117 11/22/1963 by Stephen King
118 The Drop by Michael Connelly
119 Shock Wave by John Sandford
120 Drifting House by Krys Lee
125 Pronto by Elmore Leonard
126 When The Women Come Out To Dance by Elmore Leonard
127 Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
128 Lamberto Lamberto Lamberto Lamberto by Gianni Rodari
129 No Beast So Fierce by Edward Bunker
130 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
131 The Ones You Do by Daniel Worrell
132 A Partial History Of Lost Causes by Jennifer Dubois
I was pretty lucky this month, I really loved most of what I read. I loved, loved loved all but two. 11/22/63 is outstanding. King is a great writer, but I don't read a lot of horror, so I don't read him often. This novel involves time-travel, and I loved it. It's over 850 pages, and I could barely stand to put it down. Micheal Connelly and John Sandford are must reads for me, and their lastest didn't disappoint. I re-read When The Women Come Out to Dance, because one of my favorite TV characters is in it, Raylan Gibbons, he's also in Pronto. Love that man. The Ones You Do is an older novel, I had to search for it; it's probably the best first person crime novel you'll ever read.
I read two novels for young readers that were marvelous. Lamberto Lamberto Lamberto Lamberto was an outstanding fable; and Scorpio Races was a fantastic fantasy that I think would be a great movie.
The only "weak sisters" here were Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and A Partial History Of Lost Causes. They weren't bad, just not my cup of tea.
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