April 1, 2011

March 2011 Reads

17  Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee
18  Field Gray by Phillip Kerr
19  The Trinity Six by Charles Cumming
20  Athena Project by Brad Thor
21  The Girl Who Became the Beatles by Greg Taylor
22  Gringos by Charles Portis
23  Townie by Andre Dubus III
24  Rogue Island by Bruce Desilva
25  Border Lords by T. Jefferson Parker

Another good month for reading.  These are the books I absolutely loved:  Border Lords, Rogue Island, Townie.  I also thought the Athena Project was great, and Emily and Einstein is great chick-lit.
Read more books,

1 comment

  1. Way to add to your read pile for march!! I've heard some mixed reviews for the girl who became the beatles and have never heard of Rogue Island!


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