This year the BEA is in Los Angeles, so I don't have too far to go; I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, right across the street from the L.A. Convention Center. Here are some of the things I'm looking forward to:
Today, I'm attending a Luncheon for African American Bookselling Professionals, it's being underwritten by Random House, and RH said it was OK for me to attend. The speakers are Nikki Turner, Donald Welch, Bertie Bowman, Halima Bashir and Terry McMillan. Terry McMillan is the only one I've read, so it'll be a great opportunity to discover new authors, and met other booksellers.

On Saturday, there's Speed Dating with Children's Authors and Illustrators. I try to never miss this one, it's always fun.
On Sunday, I'm having breakfast with Dennis Lehane, Ted Turner and Azar Nafisi. Dennis Lehane is my all time favorite author, and it's been too long between books. I'm so excited.
Then, on Sunday, I'm having lunch with Micheal Connelly and Dean Koontz.

In between there will be lots of activities, and chances to stroll the aisles, and be given as many ARCs, as I can handle. The publishers want booksellers to have a chance to read their upcoming books, before they're released, so that we can hand-sell their book to you the public. I usually come home with hundreds of books, a few signed.
Hopefully, I'll have something exciting to tell about when I get home, and some photos to share. This is the first year I've gone, that I'll have my camera with me. I always come home good and tired, books are heavy. This is the first year I'll be attending alone, Bob's not up to it this year.
Don't worry, I've traveled alone, a lot, some weekends, a driving trip to Yosemite, and once I went to Hawaii by myself, Bob didn't want to go, he went the next time.
All photos, from the publishers.
Sounds like it would be a wonderful event to attend. How did it go?